Monday, November 24, 2008

First Week Musings- Thor

As I start week 2 (proper week 2) I thought I would relate a few thoughts and see if Erik feels the same.

Today I did Day 1 again as per our schedule and here is what I am thinking:

1) I am stronger this week than last week. While not yet a beast (ok, let's be honest...I'll never be a beast...but a guy can dream...) I was still able to do a significant amount more this week than last week. Still not great (the dive bomber push ups had me mostly biting the dust and crashing to the floor in a very undignified manner) but more good pushups and better form.

2) I am finding it harder to get up and do it this week. The excitement of the first week has worn off and the grueling journey is ahead and I am finding the motivation a little less easy to come by than last week. Thankfully, Erik is doing this too and if I skipped out a day, I am not fully convinced that Erik wouldn't fly over to kick my Ebon Pinion.

3) I am a bit scared of 30 days. Let me explain. Erik and I have decided that we will post our before pics and the 30 days pics when we have done the first four weeks. While I feel stronger already, I don't see any difference yet and am a bit worried that 30 days will come and go and I will still look like a flabby girly man. I hope not, but the fear is there. (Oh, and by the way, if there isn't much difference, then you'd all better lie and say there is or I WILL fly over and kick your Ebon Pinion...Ebenezer style.)

So, that is what I'm all about now. Erik, I shall let you ruminate on your feelings as well. Same? Different? Are you just that much more of a man than I am? (I know you are...don't rub it in...)

However, I shall continue to bring it...for I am the thunder god!


PS: Please post comments's becoming a bit of a sausage fest here. And I am determined to enjoy Yoga this week!


Erik said...

I also think that putting our before pics out there when we take our 30 day pics will be embarrassing but we have to do it.

I really don't want to, but I think it will help to motivate us to do better, knowing that some pervert...I mean PERSON might be looking at them. I say we do it!

Christopher said...

Fine...I will...but please don't eat at least an hour before looking at the pics as the contents of your stomach may not be settled...

Erik said...

Don't worry about it, man! We've still got more than 2 weeks before we have to post the pics. Yeah, the original ones won't look all that great for either of us, but I'm expecting to see a slight difference in the 30 day pics.